

For those who don't know us, we are Dani and Lluís, the ones who started this adventure 14 years ago.

We want to talk to you about one of the most important decisions we have had to make and we are going to explain the reasons and the dangers it entails. We have gone in depth into the reality of a small local Brand/Company and that is why it has been a bit long for us 🙏

First of all, we want to express our sincere gratitude for being a fundamental part of our community of bag and backpack lovers (with interior light ;) . Your support and trust in Babau are our reason for being , and that is why we want to share with you important news that affects all of us.

At every stage of our journey, we have worked passionately to offer you the highest quality at the lowest possible price. However, amid the challenges we all face, we have been forced to make a difficult but necessary decision.

We have come to the inevitable conclusion that we need to make adjustments to our prices.


We want to be completely transparent with you, as we deeply value your participation in this journey. This decision will allow us to continue making our bags and backpacks without compromising quality, but most importantly, it will guarantee our survival for a while longer.


Es una de las decisiones más importantes que hemos tomado porque nuestra situación en el mercado había mejorado bastante los últimos 2 años. Todas las marcas con las que compartimos estanterías (en tiendas donde se puede encontrar un Babau) han subido los precios varias veces, acercándose mucho a los nuestros pese a fabricar en países con costes muy distintos. Subir ahora, aunque no sea mucho, puede ser duro para mantener las ventas y así nuestro fantástico equipo de 5 personas, pero no hacerlo nos sentenciaría a una muerte lenta y dolorosa.


The most responsible are us, Dani and Lluís. As we always say, we are not good businessmen, we are good entrepreneurs. Our concern has never been in the numbers, since we are two kids (not so kids anymore😅) obsessed with the “Product”. ”. We want it to be as perfect as possible and we never stop improving our models, adding new materials, etc.
Unfortunately, this way of thinking neither makes a “Product” cheaper, nor does it help the numbers add up.


Otro de los motivos (como el anterior) también tiene que ver con nuestro romanticismo. En nuestra emoción por qué todo el mundo disfrute de nuestros bolsos, hemos estado ofreciendo descuentos con más frecuencia este último año. Queríamos que mucha más gente fuera parte de nuestra historia y, hemos estado realmente emocionados de ver, cómo nuestros bolsos han encontrado un lugar especial al lado de muchísimas personas. Sin embargo, quizás nos hayamos dejado llevar un poco con tanto descuento 😅


Online advertising has become one of the most important expenses for companies like ours, since the algorithms used by social networks have been evolving in favor of paid traffic to the detriment of organic traffic, After all, that is their business and that is why they do so well.

When we talk about competition we are not referring to bag and backpack stores like ours. Dozens of online stores open every day in Spain and we all compete for the same advertising spaces on social networks, inevitably causing an increase in the prices of the advertisements. Nowadays, if you don't pay, you are practically transparent.


However, the most important reason has to do with the significant supplier price increases that we have faced in recent years. Despite having achieved record turnover, our expenses have also been record-breaking. Production costs and raw materials have been suffocating us more and more, which has led us to urgently take action.

We did not make this decision lightly; We have explored all possible options and we believe that it is the only way to guarantee the medium/long-term sustainability of Babau .

We understand that this modification may raise questions, so we are here to answer any questions you may have.

Your opinion is important to us.


The increase will be €10 on bags and backpacks, and €5 on cases.

The website will be updated on Monday, August 28

Thank you very much for understanding.
Dani and Lluís.